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Our passion for fitness began at a very young age, where we both played multiple sports throughout our childhood and teenage years. This passion led us both to attend the University of Wisconsin - Madison where we eventually met our sophomore year of college working at the same dining hall.


After some grafting on one end, we'll let you guess heh heh, we started dating and have grown together ever since. Throughout our four years in Madison, we fell in love with the city and made the decision to pursue career paths here. 


We're grateful to share similar passions and work as full-time personal trainers in the heart of downtown Madison. As we've gained experience working one-on-one with clients, we wanted to help foster a love for exercise in more people.


We built Isthmus Fitness as a way to reach a greater audience of people through online coaching and custom programs. We are so excited to blend our talents and strengths together to bring you the best products and services. 

We put the US in ISTHMUS

The Face Behind the Name

Martha Miltko
Alex Krause
Click our photos to learn more!
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